pdq for Epson Pro
This version of pdq supports almost all Epson Pro printers, has many additional features over the generic version of pdq and will easily pay for itself by saving you both time, paper and ink.
Added new features to pdq for Epson Pro are;
- Borderless Support on sheets for 3800, 3880 and SC-P Series
- Improved Color Management enabling exact profiling
- Nesting (placing multiple jobs next to each other) on both roll and sheet
- Center prints on sheet or roll
- One page profiling target built-in for those who want to do their own profiling
- Added driver support for the following Epson models:
SC-P400, SC-P600,SC-P800,SC-P5000,SC-P6000,SC-P7000,SC-P8000,SC-P9000,SC-P10000,SC-P20000
Stylus Pro 3800, 3880, 4450, 4800, 4880, 4900, 5500, 7000, 7500, 7600, 7700, 7800, 7880, 7890, 7900, 9000, 9500, 9600, 9700, 9800, 9880, 9890, 11880
Download the Manual here
Available now on the Mac App Store: