
ColorChecker 3.0

ColorChecker 3.0
Verify Print Colors with Eye-One Pro 1, 2 or 3

Discussions on if a print has the “right” colors are not uncommon. The human eye is great at spotting some color differences, but very unreliable en subjective in many cases. ColorChecker offers a solution; print a control strip with your print and measure it with the (not included i1Pro from X-Rite) spectrophotometer.

ColorChecker will show the differences in a table per patch, and add the average and maximum color deviation (delta E or dE). A simple “Pass” or “Fail” puts an end to the discussion. ColorChecker Version 3.0 is now also compatible with the Eye One Pro 3. This version also includes an export of the ColorChecker Strip as a TIFF file, and will offer advise on scanning speed; when it detects you are moving your Eye One Pro too slow or fast, it will show this.